Materials Tech Day | 19th of June
Join us on the 19th June for an action packed in-person event, showcasing the best and latest customer achievements, enabled with digital materials.
Explore advanced addresses covering the breadth of digital materials solutions across material data management, the design of lightweight components through multiscale simulations, the reduction of waste material with virtual tests, and many more!
Join the celebration on the day for the 20th year anniversary of Digimat. Playing a big part in our journey in the transition towards a more sustainable future, leveraging machine learning and cloud with expertise in materials modelling to shape the next generation of materials.
The day at a glance:
- Materials Data Management
- Multiscale simulations
- Defect Detection via Digital Methods
- Failure Prediction
- Additive Manufacturing
- Metrology and CAE supporting Digital Product Development
- 09:15-10:00 – Registration & Welcome
- 10:00-10:30 – Introduction to the Digital Transformation of Materials
- 10:30-10:50 – NLR: Effect of fiber waviness defect on composite coupon compressive strength and stiffness
- 10:50-11:05 – Coffee break
- 11:05-11:25 – Magma Global: MaterialCenter at Magma Global and modelling plasticity in thermoplastic composite pipes with Digimat
- 11:25-11:55 – Live demonstration
- 11:55-12:15 – Asahi Kasei: Failure Prediction of Injection-moulded Short-fibre Composites: Characterisation and Prediction from Coupons to Components
- 12:15-13:00 – Lunch & Networking
- 13:00-13:30 – WMG: Numerical simulation for high volume manufacturing of composite structures
- 13:30-13:50 – Victrex: Amorphous printing and annealing of Victrex AM200 ™ filament (PAEK) with Xioneer® VXL soluble support and Digimat-AM
- 13:50-14:05 – Coffee break
- 14:05-14:25 – Sensata: Multiscale simulation capabilities with Digimat
- 14:25-14:55 – Live demonstration
- 14:55-15:15 – NCC: Maximising manufacturing efficiency by data-driven defect and feature prognosis
- 15:15-15:30 – Q&A and Close
This event is free to attend, but you must be preregistered.
Date: 19/06/23
Time: 9:15am - 3:30pm
Where: Warwick Manufacturing Group Facility, WMG, International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL