Versatile CAD/CAM for Woodworking and Stone Cutting

Use specialist woodworking and stone-cutting solutions to deliver custom quality every time.

Transform Your Business

Hexagon’s solutions for the woodworking and stone cutting markets include CAD/CAM solutions specified for various disciplines of woodworking – from furniture and cabinetry to sculpture and art applications. Our stone-cutting solutions are specified to address the unique challenges of machining granite, marble and other high-end stone products. 

Our Product Suite Includes Solutions For: 

Residential Cabinetry
CABINET VISION is the industry leading design for manufacturing software for residential cabinet manufacturers. Let us show you how to significantly streamline your custom cabinet business

Commercial Casework
With advanced CAD tools, dynamic submittals, unmatched engineering capabilities, and push button CNC code, CABINET VISION has all the tools a commercial manufacturer needs.

Closets & Storage
CABINET VISION allows closet and storage professionals to easily design, detail, sell, and produce their jobs with industry specific tools.

ALPHACAM has been specifically developed to address the unique challenges encountered when machining marble and stone. From CNC machining simple kitchen worktops to complex three dimensional stone carvings.

Contact us today to learn more about how our solutions can help you transform your business.

We found a model that makes us able to produce here, and we believe that cost is saved in labor because we have software and machinery that can do what other companies would need more labor to accomplish.

Nakita DiGuardi, Operations Manager, Volpa USA

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Versatile CAD/CAM for woodwork and stone cutting

While woodworking and stone cutting have historically been considered craft trades, the modern industry has embraced technology to help simplify processes from measurement and design to manufacture and installation. Fusing market-leading manufacturing software with the skills of their trades, woodworkers and stone cutters can reduce product lead times and make installations simpler.

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Have a chat with the manufacturing industry's best minds

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After sending over your info, we'd like to get on the phone to make sure we understand your specific needs. This is how we'll give direction and solutions that make an impact. You'll get an email from us confirming what was discussed on your call and detailing any follow-up steps there might be. Now you've broken the ice and made a plan with one of our industry experts. Put the Hexagon toolbox to use and watch your operation grow!

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Increase productivity and quality

Our unmatched software suite has the missing piece needed to unlock new heights of productivity and quality in your manufacturing operation.

Produce parts right the first time, every time

Every manufacturer knows the cost of errors in production, but with Hexagon software those errors will be an issue of the past.

Reduce machine setup time

Time is money and with Hexagon CAD/CAM software you can expect to be saving both.